(844) 229-2783 Contact@Layer-1.com
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Business Technology Infrastructure Experts

Business Networks | Audio/Video | LED Lighting

Find out how you can maximize the use, value, and efficiency of your business technologies.

(844) 229-2783


Business Networks

Network Infrastructure

Planning on building out a new network, or a new location for your business?

Get help with a custom deployment strategy from our network experts.

Network Cabling

Having network cabling issues? Need to add Ethernet cables or Fiber Optic cables to your existing network?

Let the cabling experts design and install the perfect solution.

Wi-Fi Design & Installation

Having Wi-Fi problems?
Is the signal constanly dropping, or just weak?

Let our wireless network experts make your wireless network solid, fast, and secure.

Server Room Cleanup

Did you inherit a messy server room? Is your critical business system hardware buried?

We reorganize, streamline, optimize, and document your server room hardware.

Network Security

Is your business network truly secure? How would you know?

Our team of network security experts can accurately assess your security needs, perform real tests, and help to lock it down!

Need support for your business network?


Audio Video

Audio / Video Installation

How high-tech is your workspace? Do you need TVs, projectors, or speakers set up in your office?

Layer-1 Technologies can help you to decide which technologies will be ideal for your office space. Our team of highly-trained audio/video experts can also perform the installation for you. 

Consult with Layer-1 today!

Video Conferencing

Do you need a cleaner, more concise collaboration tool to communicate with clients or remote team members?

Choose leading-edge video conferencing equipment, and give your team meetings or client presentations that extra touch. 

Let the experts from Layer-1 Technologies get you set up.

White Noise Generation

Did you know that many Fortune 100 companies implement white noise generators in their work space to improve productivity?

Studies have shown that white noise can have a calming effect, reducing the perception of ambient noise, and allowing better focus. Ask the experts if this is right for your office.

Need Audio/Video help? Talk to the experts!


LED Retrofitting

Replacing Old Lighting

Looking for ways to cut costs on electricity? Have you considered swapping out your old lighting?

On average, LED technology can provide better lighting at 10% of the cost. That’s a 90% savings!

Invest today! Set up a consultation with us to receive a comprehensive plan to save big!

New Construction Lighting

Are you building a new office? Have you decided on which lighting is right for your space?

Choose LED lighting which can:

  • Change the lighting color and warmth for different moods
  • Control each light separately, from a mobile device, or PC
  • Track usage and other data

Custom LED Solutions

Do you need a custom solution, using LED technology?

Whether its under-counter lighting, indirect lighing, spot lights, or any other custom applications, Layer-1 will work with you to create the perfect solution for your lighting needs.

Call Layer-1 Technologies now!

Need help with LED Retrofitting? Call Layer-1 today!

Need Business Technology Solutions?

Layer-1 Technologies has you covered.


Contact Us:

11 + 3 =


500 East 4th Street #254A
Austin, TX 78701


Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat & Sun: CLOSED

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